In an effort to keep improving Dumpster Price Guide we have made some new additions to the website! Keep reading to see them all!
Share Your Collection
First we added a feature to share your collection with other users! Once logged in, go to your Profile (by going to your username in the top right corner) and it will display your collection! Share the link to your profile with anyone so they can see what you have in your personal collection! Don't want to share? You also have the option to make your profile private on the profile page!

Line Graph for Dumpster Fire Sales
We added a line graph to the details page of each individual Dumpster! Simply click on the "Details" button next to any dumpster fire figure on the Price Guide page and it will show you more information on that dumpster! Scroll down a little bit and you'll see a graph of all of the recent eBay sales for it too!

Statistics Page
The statistics page shows which dumpster fire figures are trending up and down each week! Every week all the eBay sales are averaged to get the average price for that item. If the average is more than the previous week then it will be in the Going Up section, if it's less than last week it will be in the Going Down section, and if it hasn't changed it will be in the Staying Steady section!

Stay tuned for more updates! We are always trying to improve our site! If you have any suggestions for us feel free to email us at!